Monday 1 April 2013

Philips SC2003/11 Lumea Precision Plus Review

I bought the Phillips Lumea precision Plus for my teenage daughter who unfortunately takes after her rather hairy father. She has dark upper lip hair which she gets teased about and dark hairy legs and underarms.

It took me nearly 12 months to actually buy one. I did loads of research on this one and other similar IPL products before parting with my cash. I read all the reviews on Amazon and other sites. 

My sister had bought an IPL machine from one of the shopping channels and it only did 1 square centimetre at a time, and you have to hold it on the area for ages whilst it continuously flashes. It took her forever (she gave up the will to live after doing half a leg).

Well, after fully charging the unit, I tackled my daughter's moustache (or upper lip facial hair). There is a special facial attachment that has an extra filter on for safety. It is smaller than the main attachment so you can get in under the nose easier.

You are not supposed to use the machine for any part above the eyes, so eyebrows are a no no. I didn't know this when I bought it as I wanted to also tackle my daughter's unibrow. Never mind!

There are 5 settings on the Phillips Lumea and you need to follow the advice in the book as to your colouring and what intensity you should use. First you have to shave the area that you are going to do. I was nervous about this, so I used an electric shaver.

I used a number 3 on her face the first time and a 4 thereafter. The process literally took a matter of a seconds.